Monday, March 2, 2009

DecaAwesome List for weeks 2/22-3/2

I've been meaning to do this list for days, but it was an extremely busy weekend and I just didn't have the time. So here we go! Also, I should note that there will be no food on this list just because my Mom thinks I'm getting too much sugar. So, even though I'm eating something delicious right now, I won't tell you what it is.

1. Sideways. The movie, not the direction. I just saw a paper at a film music conference about this movie and it reminded me of how much I enjoyed seeing it. I used to own Sideways on DVD, but if I'm not mistaken, I lost it in the "divorce." But here's the good news: I bought it as a Christmas present for a colleague, but he had just purchased it himself, so I still have a DVD here at work, and it's still half-wrapped in Christmas paper. Early Christmas for me!

2. Spring Break. It's not here yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. I might even have a visitor!

3. Old Sport. This nickname refers to a person I knew in high school and recently reconnected with. I don't remember who started calling him "Old Sport," but I do know two things: 1) the nickname stuck right away, and 2) the name comes from the Great Gatsby. I haven't seen O.S. in about 17 years, but since we've been Facebooking and texting, it's like no time has passed. He's a good man who has his head on straight. It's actually quite refreshing to talk to someone like that. Also, he's cute!

4. Lilies of the Valley. My favorite flower, and the flower of my birth month. I have been toying with the idea of trying to grow my own since they are hard to come by. Such a pretty flower. They were all over a design photo spread in this month's Family Circle (many thanks to Nanny for my subscription!).

5. Target. Where else can you buy Lucky Charms, Drano, Monopoly, a candle, and a shirt all in one place? I bought a couple of new sweaters there last week for $15, along with cereal and Windex. It's truly one-stop shopping. But you must say "Tarjay" and make sure that "j" sounds French.

6. Hikes without Mics. This is a hiking and music event put on my some friends of mine under an umbrella organization they created called The Natural Stage Project. A bunch of folks hike to a location and once there, they eat, play music, and enjoy nature. My folk group was the featured guest on the bill at yesterday's Hikes without Mics in Griffith Park. The weather was perfect, the "stage" was rocky, but lovely, and the food and company were great. It was a beautiful day all around. I can't wait until the next one!

7. Drinking songs. I went to see my friend play at the Pig N' Whistle on Friday night and he played a drinking song he wrote. It was right at the beginning of the set, so it made the whole crowd drink together and bond. I think the crowd was definitely in the right state of mind after that.

8. Clicking. You know when you meet someone that they're "your kind of person?" At the same show Friday night I met a guy named Tom Riddle (yes, that's his real honest-to-god name) and within about two minutes of sitting at the same table watching our mutual friend play, it was clear that we were definitely on the same page. He made a Salacious Crumb joke and it was on. I don't have romantic interest in him (and even if I did, I'm still in my "year off"), but I think he'd make a really cool friend.

9. Conferences. I went to the first musicology conference I have been to in about three years, I think. Some of it is inevitably boring, but there's always something fun and interesting that just inspires, or makes me want to go learn about new things. It makes me miss musicology too, somewhat, but when I see students at those conferences who are ABD (all but dissertation) who are looking for work, I am grateful to have a job at all.

10. Ear plugs. A must-have for anyone who values their ears. I got a little carrying case for ear plugs when I attended the drag races with my cousin (her husband's company is a sponsor). The case says Castrol on it. I use them when I'm at a concert or even when the PA system somewhere is too loud. They're also a godsend when my roommate is working on his music and I'm trying to sleep. It's not often that noise keeps me awake, but when he's recording the screaming vocals to some rock songs, I pop in my ear plugs and I'm asleep in no time.

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