Saturday, March 28, 2009

The DecaAnnoying List

I'm not really a complainer. Occasionally, I'm a venter. Here's a venting list of 10 annoying things.

1. Abnormal lightbulbs. I have to spend some of my Saturday making a special trip to Home Depot to buy fluorescent bulbs for my kitchen light. *shakes fist at ceiling*

2. Cockroach characters. I saw Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D last night (and it was amazing), but one of the main characters is Dr. Cockroach, a man-sized insect of the roachy variety. And Wall-E's sidekick was likewise such a thing (albeit normal sized). Now, they're well-drawn (no pun intended) characters, but do they really have to be the thing that's, like, top 3 on my "willies" list?

3. No decompression period. I foolishly made my office hours come right after class. I didn't give myself a break because I wanted to get out earlier. The problem is, I come right out of a three-hour class and then talk for another two hours because the steady stream of students doesn't care that I haven't had a chance to eat yet. I'd like even just fifteen minutes to sit quietly and chill out before I have to face the hordes. The thing is, I have the power to change this, but when I'm making up my schedule, the siren song of getting out at 2:30 is extremely compelling.

4. The lack of good food on campus. We've made strides here with the opening of Tully's Coffee, but all of the sammies they sell have mayonnaise on them. And if you know anything about me, you know I hate mayonnaise. It turns out Tully's is probably the best chain coffee place in terms of environmental impact and the way they treat their employees, but the mayonnaisiness of their sammies keeps me brown-bagging it. Although now I know the head guy over there so maybe I can change this one too.

5. Missing mailboxes. There used to be two mailboxes that I mailed the lion's share of my stuff in. The one a block away from my apartment, and the one at the opposite end of campus. In the last couple of months, BOTH mailboxes have been taken away. Don't know why, but now I actually have to carefully plan when and where I mail stuff.

6. The fat content of chocolate and peanut butter. Why are Reese's Peanut Butter cups so caloric-ly resplendent? And the Reese's Eggs? I can't go a whole Easter season without eating a few of those, but then I'll have to skip linner or something. *sigh*

7. Facebook status comments. Why can't I respond to each comment separately? Gah. I end up making stupidly general statements that address nothing.

8. Catching up. I put off some important stuff while I was preparing for the recital and now I have to dive into it and catch up. Always like swimming against the tide.

9. Looking fat when you're really not. I don't know what's up with the lens on the video camera that captured my recital, but I look wide as a truck, and I know that's not how it was in real life. Some people who will see it might think, "hmm...I think she gained some weight," and the thing is, the day of the recital, I weighed the least I have weighed in maybe 9 years.

10. Laundry. Do I have to explain this one? Didn't think so.

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