Monday, January 26, 2009

DecaAwesome List

Here are 10 awesome things for the week of 1/26/09

1. My Dad. It was his birthday last week. He is a truly super guy. Good and decent. Kind and generous. He is a hard-working man, and I got my work ethic and sense of mental organization from him. I get crap done because I spent my whole life watching him get crap done. For years, I didn't think I was like him at all--I definitely share more obvious traits with my Mom--but the older I get, the more of him I see in me. Even though I am more of a loose cannon than he is, there is a core of something within me that is just pure Dad. And maybe it's ineffable stuff, but it's some of the best stuff about me.

2. King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. Squishy and delicious. See, it's bread, but it's also a little bit sweet. It's awesome.

3. Coincidences. My sister and I--for probably the fifth time--purchased the same greeting card for an occasion. This time, we bought the same card for Dad's birthday. Please keep in mind that we shop in different stores and that we live 3,000 miles apart. Yes, it's happened already. A bunch of times. Isn't that insane? I love it.

4. Combining cereal. For a low-calorie snack that satisfies my sweet tooth, I've been mixing half a bowl of Special K (red berries) with half a bowl of Lucky Charms. It sounds crazy, but I think it's deliciousness.

5. Brought to you by the same people who made, this website is invaluable when I'm writing blurbs. Writing promotional blurbs for a symphony orchestra's season is impossible without adjectives. Lots of adjectives. is the quickest way to find yet another synonym for "masterpiece."

6. My recital. I have just about cemented the program and I am thrilled. It's going to be a great show. Well, I'm going to have fun, at least.

7. The Stand-Up Countdown on Comedy Central. I discovered a couple of really hilarious comics watching this thing. My roommate and I recorded it on the DVR because we didn't want to sit there all day long and watch it. So, we watched it later in the night and when they got down to #1, I was pissed because I didn't know who the guy was, but then he was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing. Instead of fast-forwarding the commercials, we let them play so I'd have time to catch my breath in between bits. The comic's name is Kyle Cease, I think, and he was frickin' high-larious. Seriously, you guys. He's funny.

8. Finally finding a tax guy. My new accountant is a former musician so he knows all about what musicians and artists can claim as deductions. Also, he was the original drummer of the Circle Jerks, so that's pretty cool. I used to wear a Circle Jerks pin on one of my plaid kilts in high school. I thought it complemented that particular plaid rather well. Also, the pin helped keep the skirt from flying open. Also, it had a nun on it so I liked wearing it to Catholic school. I still have this pin; it lives on an army surplus bag I use as a purse sometimes.

9. Poetry. I haven't been much use writing stories or novels recently. It's a little discouraging, but I hope someday I'll be able to do that again. In the meanwhile, I've been writing poetry. Some of it is awful, but I don't really care. It's what I feel I can do right now, so I'm going to do it.

10. Beanie caps. I love these close-fitting wool caps. I have a few of them, but lately, I've just been wearing a plain black one. Keeps my head warm and I look cute. Who could ask for anything more?

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