Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fooling Cars

I drive a fair amount and I see my share of joggers and runners. I've noticed that they're always running. They're never stopped on the side of the road, breathing heavily. They're never walking because their hearts are about to explode. But when I go running, half the time I'm doing one of those things. I hate to think that all these random people I see on the street are better runners than me. I mean, I've been doing this for a couple of months now and I'm still not able to run continuously for the entire time I'm out. I can't wait for the day that I start running and don't have to stop until I say it's time. I'm so not there yet.

So...I came up with an idea.

Now, what I do when I run is, I fool cars. I run as much as I'm able, of course, but I try not to stop when I'm running past a car, or when a car is stopped at a light. This way the car thinks that I've been running the whole time, and that I'll continue running long after it's driven off. If I can't actually be one of those amazing runners, at least I can fool cars into thinking that I am one of them.

There may come a time when I don't have to resort to subterfuge when I'm running. When I can run for as long as I want without having to stop and catch my breath. In the meanwhile, I'll push myself to keep pounding the pavement when a car is waiting at the stop sign. I can't fool them all, but I can get some of them.

I know this blog is shorter than usual, but at the risk of drawing the wrath of pun-haters everywhere: I've got to run. :)

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