Friday, November 21, 2008

DecaAwesome List Number Three

Here is the DecaAwesome List for the week ending 11/22/08.

1. Simply Limeade. You wouldn't think that limeaid could be this delicious, but oh, it is. It. Is.

2. My sister. M truly rules the school. She sent me MST3K DVDs for Thanksgiving because she is amazing and she loves me.

3. MST3K. Keeps nerds entertained for hours.

4. Psych. Also a gift from my sis that I am only now getting to enjoy. I should probably be sleeping, but I'm watching another episode.

5. Super fluffy hotel beds. Like sleeping on a cloud. A king-sized cloud.

6. Sap. The closer I get to the holidays, the sappier I get. In my mind, I'm making lists of things I'm thankful for. I'm like that.

7. Red Trolley. San Diego's microbrew. Delicious.

8. Crossword puzzles. I love these things a lot.

9. Short nails. I like to keep my nails plenty short. Looks neat.

10. My friend Di. Who I will see on Saturday. She is a fine artist, a writer, a great Mom, and seriously one of the coolest people I know. She's like, top 5 for coolness.

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