Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Mad Listmaker Strikes Again!!

Next entry in the Blog-A-Week Series

This is a prompt from Facebook, and I'm doing it here since I just started importing this blog over there. My readership should, like, ten. I feel like John Grisham.

Here goes, folks. 16 Random Tidbits about me:

1. I broke my collar bone when I was in 5th grade. I was playing football in a co-ed gym class (that little experiment lasted a year) and another player--who went on to play varsity football in high school--blocked me. I fell on my side, and my collar bone steepled. Hurt like a mo'. It's still sensitive, if you can believe that.

2. I love crossword puzzles. I do them as often as I can. I absolutely adore words, and I think that learning an editor's style is like learning a new language. It's nerd fun at its best.

3. In general, fear does not stop me from doing things. I won't say I'm fearless because that's incorrect. If I'm afraid of something, I tend to think I'm on the right track, and--scared or not--I do it anyway. I'm never regretful later.

4. I'm not a very political person. You know how people say, "If you're not angry, you're just not paying attention?" They're talking about me. I don't know why I can't get into politics, but I just can't. Part of it is probably that my last significant other was heavily political and conservative, and that just isn't me.

5. I'm a voice teacher and I get laryngitis more than anyone else I know.  The piano teacher never gets it. The theory teacher never gets it. But the voice teacher? Bingo. Just lucky, I guess. 

6. I am a huge fan of TV on DVD. There are no commercials, and you can watch a whole season in a couple of weeks. Just finished watching the first seasons of both Dexter and Six Feet Under, and I can't wait to start season 2 of Dexter, SFU, and Psych.

7. One of my favorite ways to fall asleep is with my head in a book.

8. I enjoy watching Tv shows and movies (and reading books) that feature characters who are completely screwed up. I can't figure out if it's because I identify with them, or if they make me feel better about myself. Meh, a little from column A, a little from column B.

9. Despite being a Gemini, I make tons of lists. I owe whatever success I've achieved to lists. I'm serious, it's how I get so much done.

10. I am controlled chaos. Sometimes, I am *barely* controlled chaos.

11. I have just spent the last few days getting rid of a lot of crap I've been hanging on to for no reason. As of tonight, I've thrown away seven giant bags of garbage, and I have a ton of stuff to shred. I also have clothes and books ready to go to Goodwill. I'm trying to simplify.

12. I have an awesome therapist who is helping me get rid of seven bags of emotional garbage. (Nice transition, right?) She is seriously one of the coolest people I know.

13. One of my all-time favorite movies with music is The Commitments. Who knew the Irish had so much soul!

14. I was in a band in high school called Absolut Certainty. We had a lot of fun. At least I did. Hell, the practices were at least as much fun as the times we played out.

15. I can't tell you about #15, because it involves tequila. :-)

16. I hope someday to do voiceovers. I want to be the voice of a cool cartoon character. 

Woo! Done!

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